April 25th is observed world wide as World Malaria Day and Hope Foundation is joining the international community to lift its voice and win the fight against malaria which is a preventable and treatable illness still killing millions of children everyday.
Hope Foundation is strongly working on its Malaria Free Cameroon project which is an initiative aim at saving thousands of Cameroon lives through various malaria prevention projects such as the distribution of protective nets, enhancing diagnostic tests, providing low cost antimalarial drugs, promoting indoors spraying and more sensitisation and education to populations in malaria threatened zones and families at risk of the disease.
World Malaria Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the dangers of malaria, as well as to mobilise and engage people to join in the big fight against the illness.
To enhance our action, we have set up a goal of supplying impregnated nets to families in Cameroon, assist patients with drugs and medication, educate parents and children in schools and communities on how this illness could be avoided and in the worse case treated and the importance of the use of mosquito nets when sleeping.
We wish to call on the general public, companies, bigger organisations, churches, clubs and more to support this action by promoting this project and initiative by donating nets to various families
With your donations, we shall be able to freely distributed treated nets and provide education and medication to the local populations with special focus on pregnant women and children.
A 10€ = A treated Net: This contribution is enough to give a smile to one family which can use this net for a period range of 2-4 years.
Enable to inform friends and others thus each 30 seconds, a child dies from malaria. Each of these deaths is avoidable!
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